The presence of Winter after a light filled Christmas Holiday may feel dark and cold. No worries, I can show you how to convert your home into a cozy romantic space by decorating your fireplace mantle and transforming it into a winter wonderland.
After the holiday decor is taken down in your home everything may look a little bare and lonely. If you are like me I stuffed all of my regular decor all around my home to make way for reindeer and Santa Claus. This year I thought I would not transition back to my usual fireplace decor and instead try something whimsical.
At Christmas I decorated several themed trees, by this practice I was able to display all of my vastly different treasures on a variety of specifically themed trees. This year I purchased a number of snow owls for one of my trees. Of course, time got away from me and the tree never fabricated; now I have a table full of owls to store away until next Christmas. Their cute little faces were not ready to live in a plastic bin for the next year, so I decided to use them as my mantle decor for the winter months. This mantle transformation is sure to please my grandchildren.
The large white owl was actually a tree topper. He became my mantel centerpiece. The greenery was left from my Christmas mantel, I loved the forestry look it portrayed. I removed the white Christmas string lights and replaced them with tiny fairy string lights. I also filled in the space with vintage brass candle sticks holding different shades and sizes of cream colored candles. If you are interested in brass candle sticks be sure to visit our boutique at www.monkeybliss.com
we have every shape and size available for your home.
I wanted to add another layer of interest to the mantle to portray the icicles of winter. I attached vintage chandelier crystals to the branches to catch the glow of the sparkling fairy lights and candles.

I filled the inside of the fireplace with cream pillar candles to carry the warmth all the way down to the floor.
The resulting look was different and fun. Remember to step away from your usual go to look and venture into new territory where you can experiment and reveal new ideas in your living space.
Your taste should always be evolving as you grow and your life evolves.
Although I have not witnessed any fairies flying around my house, I do feel that I have captured the enchanted winter forest aesthetic I desired.
Join me in designing your winter look. The Hundredth Monkey is always available to inspire you and help you achieve your design goals. Comment with any questions you may have and we will be sure to help you with all of your decorating adventures.
Remember to sparkle in all you do!